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7 Easy DIY Hair Masks for Dandruff

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Suyog Dandekar , On June 28, 2023

hair masks for dandruff

Just like the skin has acne, your scalp has dandruff. While it is a common hair issue, it can undermine your self-confidence. Many people initially turn to anti-dandruff shampoos as the first line of treatment. However, in some cases, these shampoos may not be effective, particularly if you have a sensitive scalp. The chemicals present in your hair care products can be harsh, causing dryness and irritation that contribute to dandruff. Therefore, opting for natural remedies for dandruff is a better approach. Ayurvedic treatments for dandruff have proven to be effective, as they incorporate traditional methods that eliminate dandruff and prevent its recurrence.

If your bathroom shelf resembles the shampoo section of a grocery store, it’s time to take a different approach. The causes of flakes and dandruff vary, but choosing natural methods will likely resolve this problem once and for all. If you are open to exploring Ayurvedic treatments for dandruff, we have 7 DIY hair masks that may be effective. However, let’s first examine the causes of dandruff so that you can take preventive measures to avoid its return.

What Causes Dandruff?

According to Ayurvedic principles, an imbalance in your doshas is responsible for your dandruff. When your dandruff appears dry and flaky, it indicates an aggravation of the ‘pitta’ and ‘vata’ doshas. Conversely, if your dandruff is wet or oily, it suggests an imbalance in the ‘kapha-vata’ doshas.

Apart from these imbalances of doshas, there are these additional factors that can exacerbate your dandruff if left untreated:

1. Diet

Inadequate nutrition or a diet lacking the necessary minerals and vitamins can contribute to the occurrence of dandruff. For maintaining healthy and nourished skin, it is crucial to include vitamin B complexes, omega fatty acids, and zinc in your diet. Hence, it is important to consume healthy oils, proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables in order to prevent this issue. Consumption of artificial colours, flavours, and excessive spices can result in inflammation and dandruff.

2. Skin Conditions

People with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis have a higher likelihood of experiencing dandruff compared to those without these conditions. Similarly, individuals with naturally dry skin may also experience dandruff, particularly in winter when the ‘vata’ dosha becomes imbalanced. Nevertheless, there is no need to endure this problem silently, as ayurvedic remedies for dandruff can be utilised to eliminate it.

3. Hygiene

Although it is not advisable to shampoo your hair daily, it is recommended to cleanse your hair three times per week. Neglecting this routine can lead to the buildup of dead skin cells and product residue on your scalp, creating an ideal habitat for bacteria and microbes. Consequently, it can give rise to issues such as scalp infections and dandruff.

4. Mental Stress

Stress has a negative impact on your immune system and causes an imbalance in the ‘pitta dosha’ within your body. Consequently, an overproduction of sebum occurs, and the reduced immune response enables the growth of bacteria and fungi. As a consequence, this leads to the development of dandruff on the scalp.

DIY Hair Masks for Dandruff

Now that we are aware of the causes of dandruff, let us look at the solutions. Ayurveda provides a variety of natural remedies that can be used externally and internally to eliminate dandruff and restore a balance in the body’s ‘pitta’, ‘vata’, and ‘kapha’ doshas. These Ayurvedic treatments specifically target dandruff by alleviating itchiness and dryness while promoting scalp nourishment and detoxification.

Presented below are some highly effective hair masks for treating dandruff:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective ayurvedic remedy for dandruff that yields excellent results. It possesses properties that are beneficial for the skin, such as soothing, calming, and antibacterial effects. By applying aloe vera gel directly to the scalp, it can alleviate the itchiness associated with psoriasis and eczema.

Preparation and Application:

  • Extract the gel from a leaf of aloe vera.
  • Apply the gel onto your scalp.
  • Allow it to remain on your scalp for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Rinse it off in the morning.

2. Amla

Amla, which is rich in vitamin C, is considered a potent remedy for treating dandruff. If you have exhausted various methods to eliminate dandruff without success, you should attempt this ayurvedic dandruff treatment utilising amla. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use amla for dandruff treatment:

Preparation and Application:

  • Combine amla powder and ground tulsi leaves in a bowl.
  • Add a sufficient amount of water to create a thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture onto your scalp and allow it to sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with shampoo and lukewarm water to remove the paste.

3. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds, commonly known as methi, are an excellent natural remedy for dandruff, according to Ayurveda. The antimicrobial properties of methi help fight dandruff and nourish the scalp, promoting a clear and healthy condition.

Preparation and Application:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, and in the morning, grind them into a paste.
  • You can apply the paste as it is or enhance its effectiveness by adding lemon juice, yoghurt, or henna to the mixture.
  • Apply the paste onto your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it with a mild shampoo.
  • Alternatively, you can mix fenugreek seeds with coconut oil and gently massage it into your scalp for 15-20 minutes before bed.
  • The following day, wash your hair as usual.

4. Lemon with Curd

Lemon juice possesses beneficial properties for treating dandruff due to its constituents, including citric acid, vitamin C, and zinc. It also contains antioxidants and exhibits antifungal properties, making it a natural remedy for eliminating dandruff. Curd, on the other hand, is abundant in proteins and serves as a nourishing conditioner derived from natural sources.

Preparation and Application:

  • Prepare 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice and mix that thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of curd.
  • Gently and evenly apply the mixture to your scalp.
  • Allow it to sit for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your scalp and hair with regular water and an Ayurvedic shampoo.

5. Lemon with Olive Oil

Lemon juice is an effective remedy for treating dandruff due to its components like citric acid, vitamin C, and zinc. It is also abundant in antioxidants and possesses antifungal properties, making it a natural solution to eliminate dandruff.

Preparation and Application:

  • Prepare a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice, olive oil, and ginger extract. Apply it to the scalp and gently massage for a few minutes.
  • Leave the mixture on the scalp for at least one hour before rinsing it off.
  • Apply the hair mask to the scalp and let it sit for one hour before washing it off.

6. Neem

Neem is renowned for its properties that fight against germs, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. According to Ayurveda, the neem tree is considered a remedy for various illnesses, known as the “curer of all ailments.” Neem’s antifungal qualities aid in combating dandruff by eliminating bacteria and fungi and detoxifying the scalp, providing relief from itchiness and irritation.

Preparation and Application:

  • Apply neem oil to your hair before sleeping and rinse it off in the morning.
  • Grind neem leaves and mix them with curds to create a paste. Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp.
  • After letting it sit for 15-20 minutes, rinse it off.

7. Banana

Bananas possess antimicrobial properties that effectively address both oily dandruff and dry, flaky scalp conditions, providing relief for both. Combining olive oil and lemon creates a scalp tonic that not only cleanses the scalp but also moisturises the hair and enhances its shine.

Preparation and Application:

  • Make a smooth paste with two ripe bananas. 
  • Add lemon juice and one spoonful of olive oil to the paste. For an even consistency, mix it well. 
  • Apply it on the hair and scalp and leave it for 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with mild shampoo and lukewarm water.


Whether you are experiencing dry and flaky dandruff or oily and greasy dandruff, utilising an appropriate natural Hair Mask can serve as an effective solution to address the issue. Additionally, it is important to note that these hair masks for dandruff should not be considered a one-time quick fix. Instead, a regular application is necessary to sustain a healthy and dandruff-free scalp and hair. (Modanci offers a personalised hair care solution that is tailored to your prakruti.)

The above-mentioned home remedies are expected to provide relief from dandruff. However, if dandruff continues to persist or worsens, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a Ayurvedic Physician. 


1. Which hair mask is best for dandruff?

A particular hair mask would be more suitable for certain conditions or certain Prakriti than others, but here is one DIY hair mask which would fight your dandruff: 

Aloe Vera Hair Mask- First, extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf. Apply the gel to your scalp. Allow it to remain on your scalp overnight. Rinse it off in the morning.

Aloe vera is an effective ayurvedic remedy for dandruff that yields excellent results. It possesses properties that are beneficial for the skin, such as soothing, calming, and antibacterial effects.

2. Can a hair mask get rid of dandruff?

Certainly! In addition to effectively addressing your dandruff problem, Ayurvedic and natural hair masks provide deep conditioning and nourishment to your hair while restoring balance to the increased doshas. Furthermore, unlike many hair products available in the market, such as anti-dandruff shampoos, hair masks do not contain harsh chemicals that could potentially harm your hair over time.

3. How can I permanently remove dandruff from my hair?

You can eliminate dandruff with the Home Remedies, but one-time solutions cannot guarantee that the issue doesn’t reoccur. Hair masks for dandruff should not be considered a one-time quick fix. Instead, a regular application is necessary to sustain a healthy and dandruff-free scalp and hair. You can prevent dandruff by using the right products and taking the right care consistently.

4. Does curd remove dandruff?

Yes, it does help with the flaky dandruff. Curd is abundant in proteins and serves as a nourishing conditioner derived from natural sources. Mix curd with a few drops of lemon juice or curd and apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff and other scalp problems. Apply directly to the scalp and give it some time to sit. Rinse with water.

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June 28, 2023
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    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade is a BAMS graduate with a specialization in Ayurvedic medicine. With a deep interest in Ayurveda, he joined Vaidya Suyog Dandekar and Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort in March 2010, where he has been working for over a decade. During his time at the health resort, he studied Panchabhautik Chikitsa, a unique branch of Ayurvedic medicine that focuses on treating imbalances in the five elements of the body. Under the guidance of Vaidya Suyog Dandekar, he worked on developing a plan for the reversal of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and Thyroid, intending to help people live drugless life. Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade's experience in Ayurvedic medicine spans over 18 years, making him a seasoned practitioner. Currently, he serves as a medical officer at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort, where he continues to help patients achieve optimal health through the principles and practices of Ayurveda.
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