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  • Home Remedies for Pimples for People Born in October: Top 3 Home, DIY, and Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies for Pimples on Skin, Face, and Forehead

Home Remedies for Pimples for People Born in October: Top 3 Home, DIY, and Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies for Pimples on Skin, Face, and Forehead

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Suyog Dandekar , On May 22, 2023

home remedies for pimples for people born in october

What are Some Characteristics of Individuals Born in October?

October marks the inclination of the behavioural characteristics from Samadharmi towards Ksharadharmi. People born in October are highly outspoken, ambitious, and truthful individuals. The people born in October are conceived nine months before, between mid-January to mid-February, in the Vasanta (spring) season. The days are warmer, and the nights are colder during this period. The cold starts decreasing, and the temperature begins to rise. However, the cold is slightly persistent.

What are Pimples, and How Can They Differ for People Born in October? 

Pimples are a common skin condition characterised by inflamed, red bumps on the skin. They occur when the ducts of sebaceous glands become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, which can lead to the growth of bacteria. Pimples are commonly found on the face, chest, and back and are typically treated with topical medications or prescription antibiotics.

According to Ayurveda, individuals with Kshardharmi prakruti tend to be perfectionists and short-tempered. They tend to overuse their brain, leading to an increase in pitta dosha, which can result in the formation of impure blood and hormonal imbalances that can cause acne. 

Fasting 6-8 hours can also trigger acne breakouts in those with Kshardharmi prakruti. Therefore, individuals with this prakruti must adequately care for their skin and manage their stress levels to prevent acne breakouts

What are Home Remedies for Pimples?

Acne and pimples are common skin issues that can affect individuals of all ages, including those born in October, according to Ayurveda’s Prakruti system. While many commercial products are available to treat acne, several natural remedies can also effectively manage breakouts. These remedies may include dietary changes, herbal supplements, and yoga and meditation practices.

1. Home Remedies for Pimples Using Dry Fruits

Black raisins are a rich source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols, that can help prevent and treat acne. These antioxidants help reduce inflammation, a significant factor in causing pimples. Black raisins also contain vitamins like vitamins C, E, and A, essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Consuming black raisins daily can help manage pimples and achieve clear and healthy skin. They are a good source of fibre and minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium, which can help in improving overall skin health. Consume 10 black raisins every 2 hours.

2. Home Remedies Using Turmeric, Ghee, and Honey 

Add 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp ghee, and ½ tsp honey in room temperature water. 

3. Home Remedies Using Infused Water 

Add 1 tsp coriander (dhania) powder and 1 tsp cumin (jeera) powder in 1 litre of water. 

Coriander and cumin powder have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and redness associated with pimples. They also have antibacterial properties that may help prevent the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin. 

These spices can improve digestion, which is essential for maintaining clear skin, as digestive issues can lead to the formation of toxins and impurities in the body. 

What are DIY Remedies for Pimples? 

Pimples are a common skin problem. There are many commercial products available to treat pimples. However, natural remedies can effectively manage breakouts. One such remedy is an 8-day regime that can help to treat pimples for those born in October. In Ayurveda, the Prakruti system suggests that people born in October may have different health concerns and thus require a unique approach to treatment.

Following an eight-day regime can be a great way to support overall health and well-being. REMEMBER – This regime is to be done once in four months.

Take 1 spoon of turmeric (haldi) and 1 spoon of coriander seed powder (dhania). Mix these and consume them daily for seven days. You can mix them in water and honey and consume the same.

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling associated with acne. Coriander seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe irritated skin. When combined, turmeric and coriander seeds can help improve skin texture, reduce blemishes and dark spots, and promote overall skin health.

On the eighth day, a holiday, one can take 50ml of pure castor oil with warm water, lime water, or Suntha Kadha. Castor oil is known for its purgative properties. It can help cleanse the digestive system and eliminate toxins from the body. This should be done after consultation with the nearest Ayurvedic physician.

What are Some Measures of Adravya Chikitsa (Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments) for Treating Pimples?

Adravya Chikitsa is a term used in Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine in India, which refers to treating diseases without using drugs or medications. In other words, it is a form of treatment that does not involve the administration of any substance or material.

According to Ayurveda, the body can heal itself, and the physician’s role is to facilitate this natural healing process. Adravya Chikitsa uses non-material or subtle therapies, such as meditation, yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises), and spiritual practices, to help the body heal itself.

Adravya Chikitsa for Pimples by Following Yoga Exercises

Poor blood circulation and hormonal imbalances are leading causes of pimples, and these practices help address those underlying issues. These yoga poses, and pranayama techniques can help improve blood circulation, reduce stress and balance the hormones in the body. 

Padmasana (lotus pose), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) are known to improve blood circulation and stimulate the endocrine system, which regulates hormones. Anulom Vilom pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) can help reduce stress, which can also contribute to pimples. 

Jal mudra, which involves a specific hand gesture, is believed to help balance water and fluid levels in the body, promoting overall health and skin wellness. By practising these exercises regularly, individuals may see a reduction in pimples and an improvement in overall skin health. However, it’s important to note that these exercises should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.


To sum up, pimples are a widespread skin issue that can impact individuals of diverse ages and backgrounds, including those born in October, as per Ayurveda’s Prakruti system. Despite the availability of numerous commercial products for treating pimples, natural remedies like dietary changes, herbal supplements, and non-pharmaceutical treatments like yoga and meditation can effectively alleviate breakouts. 

However, seeking advice from a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment is crucial, considering that people have different skin types and health concerns. Besides, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including good hygiene practices, a balanced diet, and stress management, can help prevent and control pimples.


1. Are there any specific home remedies for pimples suitable for people born in October?

Incorporating dry fruits such as black raisins, along with natural ingredients like turmeric, ghee, honey, coriander, and cumin, can be beneficial in treating pimples at home. Black raisins provide antioxidants and essential vitamins that prevent and treat acne. 

At the same time, the combination of turmeric, ghee, and honey creates a potent mixture with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Infused water with coriander and cumin powder offers anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits for reducing pimples. These home remedies provide natural alternatives to address pimple concerns and promote healthier skin.

2. How can people born in February use natural ingredients to treat pimples on their skin, face, or forehead?

In summary, utilizing dry fruits like black raisins and combining turmeric, ghee, honey, and infused water with coriander and cumin powder can serve as effective home remedies for treating pimples. Black raisins provide antioxidants and essential vitamins to combat acne, while the mixture of turmeric, ghee, and honey offers anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 

Additionally, coriander and cumin powder-infused water provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits for reducing pimples. These natural remedies present alternative solutions for addressing pimple-related concerns and promoting healthier skin.

3. Are there any DIY remedies for pimples that align with the characteristics of people born in October?

Utilizing dry fruits like black raisins and combining turmeric, ghee, honey, and infused water with coriander and cumin powder can be effective home remedies for treating pimples. Black raisins provide antioxidants and essential vitamins to combat acne, while the mixture of turmeric, ghee, and honey offers anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 

Additionally, coriander and cumin powder-infused water provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits for reducing pimples. These natural remedies present alternative solutions for addressing pimple-related concerns and promoting healthier skin.

4. What are the best non-pharmaceutical options for treating pimples, specifically for people born in October?

Padmasana (lotus pose), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) are known to improve blood circulation and stimulate the endocrine system, which regulates hormones. Anulom Vilom pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) can help reduce stress, which can also contribute to pimples. 

Jal mudra, which involves a specific hand gesture, is believed to help balance water and fluid levels in the body, promoting overall health and skin wellness. By practising these exercises regularly, individuals may see a reduction in pimples and an improvement in overall skin health. However, it’s important to note that these exercises should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

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May 22, 2023
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    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade is a BAMS graduate with a specialization in Ayurvedic medicine. With a deep interest in Ayurveda, he joined Vaidya Suyog Dandekar and Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort in March 2010, where he has been working for over a decade. During his time at the health resort, he studied Panchabhautik Chikitsa, a unique branch of Ayurvedic medicine that focuses on treating imbalances in the five elements of the body. Under the guidance of Vaidya Suyog Dandekar, he worked on developing a plan for the reversal of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and Thyroid, intending to help people live drugless life. Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade's experience in Ayurvedic medicine spans over 18 years, making him a seasoned practitioner. Currently, he serves as a medical officer at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort, where he continues to help patients achieve optimal health through the principles and practices of Ayurveda.
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