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  • Home Remedies for Hairfall for People Born in May: Top 3 Home, DIY, and Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies for Hairfall

Home Remedies for Hairfall for People Born in May: Top 3 Home, DIY, and Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies for Hairfall

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Ankit Parange , On June 23, 2023

home remedies for hairfall for people born in may

What are Some Characteristics of Individuals Born in May?

According to Ayurveda, people born in May tend to have a dominant Pitta Dosha associated with passion, intelligence, and leadership. They are often driven, focused, and determined individuals with a strong sense of purpose and direction. However, they may also be prone to stress and burnout if they do not balance their intense drive with rest and relaxation.

According to Ayurveda, individuals born in May may experience imbalances related to the digestive system, such as Amla Vipaka and water retention in the body. They should avoid consuming cold desserts, fermented foods, and baked goods.

May-born individuals may lack confidence and tend to overthink, causing them to lose sight of the main issue. They are considerate and emotional and are known for their planning skills, often using diaries to stay organized.

What is Hairfall, and How Can It Differ for People Born in May? 

Hair fall, also known as hair loss or hair shedding, refers to excessive hair loss from the scalp. It is a common condition that affects both men and women. Hair fall can occur due to various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, stress, certain medical conditions, scalp infections, and excessive hairstyling or chemical treatments. 

Normal hair fall is considered to be around 50-100 strands per day, but when the rate of hair shedding exceeds this, it can lead to noticeable thinning of the hair, receding hairline, or bald patches. Hair fall can be temporary or chronic, and addressing the underlying cause is essential for managing and preventing further hair loss. 

Amaldharmi Prakruti, characterised by more acidity, is associated with hair loss due to Pitta Prakop, according to Ayurveda. Individuals with this Prakruti tend to overthink and experience heightened stress levels due to excessive concern about problems. Their preference for spicy and oily foods, which can increase Pitta dosha, further contributes to hair fall. To address hair loss, those with Amaldharmi Prakruti must manage their stress levels, adopt a balanced mindset, and moderate their spicy and oily foods to prevent Pitta dosh and promote healthier hair.

What are Home Remedies for Hairfall? 

Hair fall is a common condition that can affect individuals of all ages, including those born in May, according to Ayurveda’s Prakruti system. While many commercial products are available to treat hair fall, several natural remedies can also effectively manage hair fall. These remedies may include dietary changes, herbal supplements, and yoga and meditation practices.

1. Home Remedies for Hair Fall Using Dry Fruits.

Consuming one walnut every morning, along with 100ml of lukewarm water, can have beneficial effects in reducing hair fall. Walnuts are packed with essential nutrients that promote hair health and combat hair loss. These nutrient-rich nuts are an excellent source of biotin, a B vitamin crucial in strengthening hair strands and preventing breakage. Biotin deficiency is often associated with hair loss, and incorporating walnuts into your daily routine can help provide an adequate supply of this essential nutrient.

Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which nourish hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. These fatty acids help keep the scalp hydrated, reducing dryness and itchiness that can contribute to hair fall. The antioxidants in walnuts, such as vitamin E, protect the hair follicles from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. This helps maintain the hair’s overall health and minimises hair fall.

2. Home Remedies for Hair Fall Using Jowar Puffed Rice.

Consuming a fistful of Jowar Lahya (Jowar Puffed Rice) every two hours can be beneficial in reducing hair fall. Jowar, also known as sorghum, is a nutritious grain with several health benefits, including promoting hair health. Jowar Lahya, made from puffed Jowar, is a light and wholesome snack that can provide essential nutrients for healthy hair growth and minimize hair fall.

Jowar is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support hair health. It contains essential nutrients like iron, which improves blood circulation to the scalp and ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Adequate blood flow to the scalp promotes healthy hair growth and reduces hair fall. Jowar Lahya is packed with B vitamins, including biotin and niacin, significantly maintaining strong and vibrant hair.

What are DIY Remedies for Hairfall? 

1. Home Remedies for Hair Fall Using Infused Water

Mixing 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder with 1 liter of water can reduce hair fall. Ginger, a widely used spice, has various properties supporting hair health. When consumed as a drink, ginger-infused water can reduce hair fall.

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe and calm the scalp. Inflammation in the scalp can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to increased hair fall. By reducing inflammation, ginger powder can help create a healthier environment for hair follicles, minimizing hair loss.

Ginger also stimulates blood circulation, including to the scalp. Improved blood flow ensures a steady supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. Ginger’s warming properties help dilate blood vessels, facilitating better circulation.

What are Some Measures of Adravya Chikitsa (Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments) for Treating Hairfall? 

Adravya Chikitsa is a term used in Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine in India, which refers to treating diseases without using drugs or medications. In other words, it is a form of treatment that does not involve the administration of any substance or material.

Virechan, a cleansing therapy in Ayurveda, can be performed in October (heat) and February using a specific regimen. This regimen involves taking 1 teaspoon of Pranada churna (a herbal powder) and 1 teaspoon of jaggery daily for seven days. On the eighth day, 50ml of pure castor oil is consumed. This therapy aims to detoxify the body and promote overall well-being, which can indirectly help reduce hair fall.

  • Pranada churna, a blend of various herbs, is believed to have purifying and detoxifying properties. It helps eliminate toxins from the body, improving the overall functioning of multiple systems, including the scalp and hair follicles. By reducing the toxic load in the body, Pranada churna may indirectly contribute to healthier hair growth and reduce hair fall.
  • Jaggery, a natural sweetener derived from sugarcane or palm sap, is rich in minerals like iron and zinc. Iron deficiency is often associated with hair loss, and consuming jaggery can help replenish iron levels in the body. Zinc is also essential for maintaining healthy hair, as it supports keratin production, a protein that forms the structure of hair strands.

On the eighth day of the Virechan therapy, consuming 50ml of pure castor oil acts as a potent laxative, helping to flush out accumulated toxins from the digestive system. This detoxification process can positively impact overall health, including hair health. Also, stay focused and avoid the branching of thoughts.


In conclusion, individuals born in May tend to have a dominant Pitta Dosha and may experience digestive imbalances. Hair fall for people born in May can be related to Pitta imbalances caused by stress and dietary factors. Home remedies like walnuts, Jowar Lahya, and ginger-infused water can help reduce hair fall. Ayurvedic treatments such as Virechan with Pranada churna, jaggery, and castor oil aim to detoxify the body and promote healthier hair growth. 

Modanci’s Potensified Ayurvedic Solution For Hair Growth And Maintenance helps tackle hair fall issues particular to people born in May. The kit includes a Handcrafted Organic Jatamansi Kokum Shampoo Conditioner Bar, an Ayurvedic Hair Oil, Hair Tablets, and Nasya Oil. Answer a few questions and discover personalised solutions for your hair! 


1. How can consuming a walnut and lukewarm water every morning benefit me?

Consuming a walnut and lukewarm water every morning can benefit your health. Walnuts are packed with essential nutrients, including biotin and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote hair health, strengthen hair strands, and prevent breakage. They also contain antioxidants that protect the hair follicles from damage. Lukewarm water helps improve digestion, hydrates the body, and aids in detoxification. Together, these two ingredients provide a healthy start to your day, supporting overall well-being and contributing to healthier hair.

2. What are the advantages of eating a fistful of Jowar Lahya every 2 hours?

Eating a fistful of Jowar Lahya (Jowar Puffed Rice) every 2 hours can benefit your health. Jowar is a nutritious grain rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote hair health and well-being. Jowar Lahya, a light and wholesome snack, provides essential nutrients for healthy hair growth and helps minimize hair fall. It contains iron, which improves blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Additionally, Jowar Lahya is packed with B vitamins, including biotin and niacin, vital in maintaining strong and vibrant hair. 

3. What are the benefits of preparing ginger powder-infused water with 1 liter of water?

Preparing ginger powder-infused water with 1 liter of water can offer several benefits for your health. Ginger is known for its numerous medicinal properties, and when consumed as a drink, it can provide various advantages. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and calm the scalp, reducing inflammation that may contribute to hair fall. Ginger stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring a steady supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. 

4. Can you explain the process and benefits of Virechan, including using Pranada churna, jaggery, and castor oil?

Virechan is a cleansing therapy in Ayurveda that involves using specific substances to detoxify the body. As part of the Virechan process, Pranada churna, a herbal powder, and jaggery are taken daily for seven days. These substances help eliminate toxins from the body, promoting overall well-being and indirectly reducing hair fall.

On the eighth day, consuming 50ml of pure castor oil acts as a potent laxative, flushing out accumulated toxins from the digestive system. This detoxification process can positively impact overall health, including hair health, by reducing the toxic load in the body. 

5. How can I incorporate Jowar Lahya into my daily routine effectively?

To effectively incorporate Jowar Lahya into your daily routine, you can consume a fistful of Jowar Lahya every two hours as a healthy snack. Jowar Lahya, made from puffed Jowar, is a nutritious and light option that can be easily carried and consumed throughout the day. The small portions every two hours help maintain a steady supply of essential nutrients for hair health and minimize hair fall. 

You can keep a stash of Jowar Lahya with you, portioned into small containers or ziplock bags, making it convenient to grab and snack on throughout the day. This way, you ensure a regular intake of Jowar Lahya and reap its benefits for promoting healthy hair growth.

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June 23, 2023
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    Dr. Shamal Avinash Pawar
    Dr. Shamal Avinash Pawar
    BAMS | 2 years
    Dr. Shamal Avinash Pawar
    BAMS | 2 years
    Dr. Shamal Avinash Pawar has been working as an Assistant Doctor at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort in Satara for the past two years. With her expertise in Ayurvedic Chikitsa, she is well-versed in Tridoshatmak Chikitsa and Panchabhoutik Chikitsa. Her counseling services are focused on ensuring proper menstrual cycle, post hysterectomy care, and conducting thorough body examinations. She also recommends exercises tailored to each individual. Additionally, for her interest, Vaidya Shamal Avinash Pawar also works as a content writer for Healthy India Club, a WhatsApp group that provides valuable information about Ayurveda and practical tips for everyday life to the general public.
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