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Clear Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Acne Scars

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Atharva Dandekar , On July 11, 2023

removing acne scars

Acne can be a challenging and frustrating, causing discomfort and leaving unsightly scars. Making well-informed decisions regarding skincare is essential. Ayurvedic treatments offer a practical and comprehensive approach to addressing acne and its scars. While various methods exist for treating pimples and acne, adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management is highly beneficial.

Many treatments, including topical solutions and dietary adjustments, can effectively heal and alleviate acne scars and pimples. With its ancient practices, Ayurveda provides holistic and natural solutions for managing skin issues and promoting healthy skin. Today’s youth often seeks practical ways to remove acne scars, and Ayurveda surpasses conventional methods by targeting the condition’s underlying causes, offering a curative approach.

What Are Acne Scars?

Can acne scars be effectively treated? Acne scars are the residual marks left on the skin after acne healing. Approximately 80% of acne sufferers experience scarring due to their condition. These scars can appear as dark or red spots, raised bumps, or small depressions on the skin.

Persistent acne can often lead to scarring, highlighting the importance of seeking acne treatment promptly to prevent long-term scars.

According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in the doshas can contribute to the accumulation of harmful toxins known as ama, leading to skin darkening and wrinkling. Ancient Ayurvedic texts describe a comprehensive three-step approach called “Vrana Vastu” to address acne scars. This involves restoring the skin to its natural state through hair follicle regeneration, tissue development, and purification to regain its original complexion.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples and the Way It Works 

Ancient Indian Ayurveda offers a wealth of healing properties through its diverse range of herbs, spices, and oils, making it an effective remedy for treating pimples, acne scars, rashes, blackheads, and other skin disorders. India is renowned for being the birthplace of these mesmerizing and potent ancient herbs.

Ayurveda also provides effective treatments for allergic disorders, and it can restore balance and harmony to all three doshas. In Ayurveda, the health status, known as dosha, is represented by Vata, which translates to “the wind” in Sanskrit. The three doshas are further characterized by the three Gunas: Sattva (mind/air), Rajas (fire/water), and Tamas (earth/darkness).

A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Acne Scars

We’ve compiled a list of 10 easy-to-follow skincare tips for acne that helps to get clear, gorgeous skin.

1. Basil or Tulasi 

Tulsi, revered in Ayurveda for its extraordinary therapeutic properties, is one of the most revered medicinal plants. To harness its benefits, crush fresh tulsi leaves, extract their juice, and gently massage it onto the face. After allowing the skin to absorb the juice for 15-20 minutes, rinse it off, experiencing the rejuvenating effects.

2. Indian Gooseberry or Amla 

Amla, known for its skin-cleansing properties, is a remedy for various skin concerns. It helps remove excess sebum, prevent acne-causing bacteria, and minimise the risk of scarring. To utilize its benefits, create a paste with amla and apply it to the face. After leaving it on for 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off to experience its cleansing effects.

3. Honey

Honey offers numerous benefits, making it an excellent natural ingredient for treating acne and pimples. Apply a few drops of fresh honey to the affected areas of scars or spots, allowing it to sit for five to ten minutes. Rinse off afterwards. Consistent repetition of this routine yields optimal results for effective skincare.

4. Turmeric

The Ayurvedic herb turmeric possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties that aid in preventing acne and bacterial outbreaks. Moreover, it effectively purifies pores by eliminating pollutants and exhibits anti-allergic effects. Apply a paste of turmeric mixed with water onto the skin, allowing it to dry. Rinse off the dried paste and gently pat the skin dry. Alternatively, honey can be used instead of water in the turmeric paste for individuals with dry skin.

5. Neem Leaves 

The best and most often used Ayurvedic treatment for acne is neem leaves. Apply Neem paste to the infected skin, leave on until dry, then rinse off with water and thoroughly dry. Boil ten neem leaves and crush them to create neem leaf paste.

6. Lemon

Lemon juice is the simplest and least expensive way to clear up acne because of its acidic properties. Overnight, apply lemon juice straight on the acne. It protects your skin in addition to treating acne.

7. Triphala

Triphala, a renowned herbal remedy, is highly regarded for its beneficial effects on the skin. It works to balance the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha), detoxifies the body, combats viruses and bacteria, and aids in the healing of acne. To experience its advantages, consume 1 teaspoon of Triphala with hot water every morning on an empty stomach.

8. White Guard or Lauki

The abundant water content in lauki juice maintains the body’s coolness and promotes healthy skin. It aids in purifying the internal system, protecting against breakouts, and leaving the skin flawless. To utilize its benefits, gently rub lauki on the skin and rinse thoroughly. Chop lauki into small pieces and blend them. Extract the juice and add a pinch of salt before consuming it.

9. Potato

Potatoes help cure acne, fight off bacteria, and give the skin a healthy glow. Use thin potato pieces to massage the face gently. To prevent the spread of bacteria, use various potato pieces in various places on the face.

10. Papaya

Papaya is a beautiful Ayurvedic treatment for acne. Apply papaya paste on the face after cleansing it and patting it dry. Remove the mask after 20 minutes by rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat each day.


Ayurvedic therapies offer many benefits in healing and reducing acne and acne scarring. They effectively address excessive pigmentation caused by acne and prevent the formation of new scars. These therapies are safe and provide long-term positive effects on the body and mind. For an Ayurvedic treatment that targets pimples and acne scars, it is advisable to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.


1. What causes acne scars, and how can they be prevented?

If the body produces too little collagen, acne may occur. Acne scars arise when the body attempts to heal the skin and underlying tissue; it occasionally creates excessive collagen. Regularly using Ayurvedic herbs, such as Basil or Tulasi, Indian gooseberry or Amla, Honey, Turmeric, Neem Leaves, Lemon, Triphala, White Guard or Lauki, Potato, and Papaya can cure acne scars. 

2. What are the different types of acne scars, and how are they treated?

There are types of scars that occur in acne, such as Ice-pick scars – which are deep, narrow, pitted scars; rolling scars – broad depressions with a sloping edge; boxcar scars – broad depressions with sharply defined edges and Atrophic scars – flat, thin scars or depressed scars (anetoderma). Acne scars can treat effectively by regularly consuming and applying Ayurvedic herbs like basil or tulsi, Indian gooseberry or amla, honey, turmeric, neem leaves, lemon, Triphala, white guard or lauki, potato, and papaya. 

3. Can laser treatments effectively remove acne scars?

Laser treatment does not eliminate a scar, although it can help it appear less noticeable. When you receive laser scar therapy, One scar will swap for a while with a less visible spot.

4. How long does it typically take for acne scars to fade with treatment?

It should eventually go away if the acne is a red or brownish mark from acute acne on the face. However, it is more than a year’s time. Talk with an Ayurvedic practitioner if it’s upsetting the mind about acne scars.

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July 11, 2023
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    Dr. Ankit Parange
    Dr. Ankit Parange
    BAMS | 7 Years
    Dr. Ankit Parange
    BAMS | 7 Years
    Dr. Ankit Parange is currently working as a Medical Officer and General Manager at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort in Satara. With five years of experience in Panchabhautik Chikitsa Upchar Padhati (Ayurveda), he has helped many individuals to recover from various disorders and lead drug-free life. Dr. Parange holds a degree in Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS). In his current role as a General Manager, he is responsible for overseeing the management of the health resort. With a total of seven years of experience in the field of Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. Parange has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in treating a range of health conditions using Ayurvedic principles and practices. His focus is on helping people achieve optimal health and well-being through natural, holistic treatments.
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