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10 Natural Home Remedies for Hair Fall

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Ankit Parange , On April 28, 2023

home remedies for hair fall

Hair fall is a common problem both men and women face today. It is caused due to various reasons such as stress, unhealthy diet, pollution, hormonal changes, genetics, and other health issues. If not addressed timely, hair fall can lead to baldness or thinning of hair, which can affect one’s self-confidence.

While many hair fall control products are available in the market, they can be expensive and contain harmful chemicals that can damage the hair in the long run. Therefore, it is always advisable to opt for natural home remedies for hair fall and regrowth. This article will discuss ten natural remedies that can help control hair fall and promote hair regrowth.

What is Hair Fall? 

Hair fall, also known as hair loss or alopecia, is a condition where hair falls out from the scalp and other body parts where hair grows. It is a normal process where we shed old hair and grow new ones, but when the rate of hair fall exceeds the rate of hair growth, it can lead to hair thinning or baldness. 

Genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress, medication, and certain medical conditions can cause hair fall. Hair fall can affect both men and women, leading to emotional distress and a loss of self-confidence.

10 Natural Home Remedies for Hair Fall Control

Several natural home remedies may help control hair fall and promote regrowth. Here are some options:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its numerous health benefits, including promoting hair growth. It contains enzymes that nourish and strengthen hair follicles, reducing hair fall. Take a few aloe vera leaves and extract the gel from them. Apply this gel to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this process twice a week for the best results.

2. Onion Juice

Onion juice is rich in sulfur, which can stimulate collagen production in the hair follicles, promoting hair regrowth. It also has antibacterial properties that can help treat scalp infections that cause hair fall. Take an onion and grate it. Squeeze out the juice and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with mild shampoo. Repeat this process twice a week for the best results.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural hair conditioner that strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair fall. It also contains lauric acid, which can penetrate and nourish the hair shafts. Take some coconut oil and heat it for a few seconds. Apply it to your hair and scalp and massage gently for a few minutes. Leave it on overnight and wash it off with a mild shampoo in the morning. This is one of the best home remedy for hair fall.

4. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain proteins and nicotinic acid to strengthen hair follicles and promote growth. They also have antifungal and antibacterial properties to help treat scalp infections that cause hair fall. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind them into a fine paste and apply it to your scalp the next morning. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with mild shampoo. Repeat this process twice a week for the best results.

5. Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flower contains amino acids that can nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth. It also has antifungal properties that can help treat scalp infections that can cause hair fall. Take a few hibiscus flowers and grind them into a fine paste. Apply this paste to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. 

6. Gooseberry (Amla)

Gooseberry, also known as Amla, is rich in vitamin C that can stimulate collagen production in hair follicles, promoting hair growth. It also has antimicrobial properties to help treat scalp infections that cause hair fall. Mix some dried gooseberry powder with coconut oil to make a paste. Apply this paste to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this process twice a week for the best results.

7. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants that can nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth. They also contain amino acids that help strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair fall. They have antioxidants that help fight free radicals that can damage hair cells and cause hair fall.

8. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants that can prevent hair fall by reducing the production of DHT, a hormone that can cause hair loss. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the scalp and promote hair growth. Brew some green tea and let it cool down. Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it on for an hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this process once a week for the best results.

9. Neem Leaves 

Neem leaves have antibacterial properties that can help treat scalp infections that can cause hair fall. They also have regenerative properties that can promote hair growth. Boil some neem leaves in water and let them cool down. Use this water to rinse your hair after shampooing. Repeat this process once a week for the best results.

10. Egg

Eggs are rich in protein that can strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair fall. They also contain biotin and other vitamins that can promote hair growth. Take an egg and beat it well. Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this process once a week for the best results.


Hair fall can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem, but it can be controlled with natural home remedies. The home remedies for hair fall and regrowth mentioned above are safe, effective, and affordable. You can try them at home and see the difference in your hair health. It is important to remember that hair fall can also be caused due to underlying health issues, and if the problem persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

You can also opt for Modanci’s Potensified Ayurvedic Solution For Hair Growth And Maintenance. This package includes a Handcrafted Organic Jatamansi Kokum Shampoo Conditioner Bar, an Ayurvedic Hair Oil, Hair Tablets, and Nasya Oil. Fill out some information and answer a few questions to discover personalised Ayurvedic solutions to help you tackle hair fall effectively!


1. What natural home remedies for hair fall can help me prevent and reduce hair loss without using commercial hair care products?

Several natural home remedies may help prevent and reduce hair fall. Some include applying onion juice to your scalp, massaging your scalp with coconut oil or a mixture of castor oil and olive oil, using aloe vera gel as a hair mask, and rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar. These remedies may help nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote hair growth. 

2. Can I use natural ingredients at home to strengthen my hair and promote hair growth? If so, what are they?

Yes, there are several natural ingredients that you can use at home to strengthen your hair and promote hair growth. These ingredients include coconut oil, onion juice, aloe vera, eggs, and hibiscus flowers. Coconut oil can nourish the scalp and hair, while onion juice and hibiscus flowers can improve blood circulation and promote hair growth. Aloe vera can soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation, and eggs are rich in protein, essential for hair health.

3. Are there any proven home remedies that can help me effectively combat hair fall without causing further damage or hair breakage?

Yes, several proven home remedies can help effectively combat hair fall without causing further damage or breakage. These remedies include massaging the scalp with warm oil, using aloe vera gel as a hair mask, rinsing with apple cider vinegar, and applying fenugreek seeds paste. These remedies can improve blood circulation to the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and provide essential nutrients to the hair. 

4. How can I use natural ingredients at home to nourish and rejuvenate my hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and preventing hair fall?

Natural ingredients can be used at home to nourish and rejuvenate hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and preventing hair fall. Massaging the scalp with coconut oil, castor oil, or a blend of both can help nourish hair follicles and improve circulation. Applying onion juice to the scalp can improve collagen production and reduce inflammation. Aloe vera gel as a hair mask can soothe the scalp, reduce dandruff, and promote hair growth. Regularly rinsing hair with green tea or apple cider vinegar can help balance pH levels and prevent hair fall.

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April 28, 2023
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    Dr Suyog Dandekar
    Dr. Suyog Dandekar
    BAMS | 25 years
    Dr. Suyog Dandekar
    BAMS | 25 years
    Dr. Suyog Dandekar holds a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree and is the Managing Director of Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort Pvt Ltd, which is located at the UNESCO world natural heritage site, Kas Plateau. Additionally, he serves as the chairman of Sai Mauli Institute of Ayurveda charitable trust, which provides free consultation and ayurvedic medicines to those in need. Dr. Suyog Dandekar was educated by the Late Vaidya Datarshashtri, who was a pioneer in the field of Panchabhautik Chikitsa and was awarded the Nation's highest award for Ayurveda, "Bruhatrayiratna." With over 25 years of experience, he has achieved excellence in determining a person's body constitution (Prakruti) according to their birth date. Currently, he serves as the Knowledge Head at Modanci in addition to his role as Managing Director at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort.
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