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People Born in February – Personality, Body Type, Common Diseases & Home DIY Remedies

People Born in February

People Born in February - Personality, Body Type, Common Diseases & Home DIY Remedies

According to Ayurveda, people born in February were conceived during the summer but developed during the rainy season. This results in a mix of both Amla (Acidic) and Kshardharmi (Alkaline) Prakruti. Due to this combination, individuals born in February may exhibit borderline personality traits, being ‘asthir’ or unsteady but also very intelligent.

If we go 9 months behind the date of birth of a person born in February, we can understand how the season of pregnancy is related to his/her health. In the seven months following the first line, the Saptdhatu are gradually formed. The period of pregnancy occurs in summer.

As they have a certain personality formed, February-borns are also prone to certain health problems, body temperament, and much more! This article helps you understand them in detail.

Importance of knowing your Prakruti according to your birth month-

Did you know that your birth month can reveal insights about your unique body type in Ayurveda? For instance, if you were born in December or conceived in the summer, you might want to avoid acidic and warm foods. Similarly, if you were born in April during the rainy season, watch your water intake. Your upbringing and location can also affect your body type, along with unseasonal weather changes. Understanding your Prakruti can help you make better choices for your health and well-being.

Nature of People Born in February

These individuals may be concerned with whether or not things happen, indicating a need for control and a desire for things to go according to plan. They may exhibit impatience with things happening, wanting to see results quickly. They may also be strict like a teacher, possessing a strong sense of discipline and a desire for order. They may communicate straightforwardly, preferring to get straight to the point.

Men Born in February

People born in February may exhibit certain characteristics such as being aggressive and emotional, while also being highly intelligent and prone to overthinking. They may also have a borderline Amla and Kshardharmi personality, which can make them less susceptible to illness. However, their perfectionist tendencies can lead to health issues such as mental fatigue, sleep inconsistency, and feeling sleepy after work. Additionally, an increase in uric acid levels can be a potential health concern for people born in February.
These health issues can impact a person’s daily life and overall well-being, making it important to prioritize physical and mental health. Healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques can help mitigate these health risks.

Women Born in February

Women born in February may possess a teacher-like personality and tend to overthink, leading to inner conflicts that they often keep to themselves. They may struggle with irregular periods that are blackish-brown in colour, but there are ways to regulate their menstrual cycle through ayurvedic treatments. However, they may face some common health issues such as constipation, gas, and indigestion due to inconsistent hunger patterns. Additionally, they may suffer from Kapha, DNS, choked nose, skin diseases, and thyroid problems. It’s crucial for women born in February to pay attention to their health and seek medical attention if necessary.
To maintain good health, women born in February should adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and adequate sleep. Otherwise, this may lead to tiredness throughout the day. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fiber can help alleviate constipation and gas-related issues.

The Temperament of People Born in February

Individuals born in February are known for their straightforward nature and may speak their minds without considering others’ emotions. While they can come across as insensitive, they are still emotional and may be easily hurt. They may also face some health issues such as increased uric acid levels, which can cause joint pain and other health problems. Additionally, they may struggle with mental fatigue and sleep inconsistency, leading to a lack of freshness and feeling sleepy after work.

To maintain good health, individuals born in February should focus on regulating their sleep patterns, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. They can take the help of ayurvedic treatments to better their protein metabolism so that they can eat anything and not worry about high uric acid levels.

General characteristics of people born in February

  • Physique: Slender
  • Weight: On the lighter scale
  • -:Body Parts:-
  • Skin: Dry and soft
  • Skin tone: Dusky
  • Hair: Fine/thin and white hair
  • Nails: Thin but reddish
  • Eyes: White/Yellowish, dry
  • Appetite: The appetite is variable.
  • Stool: Constipation (hardening of the stool)
  • Urine: Yellowish colour
  • Sweat: Heavy/excessive sweating
  • Menstrual cycle: Women’s menstrual discharge is darker in colour.
  • Sleep: Is fragmented/interruptive.
  • Favorite foods: Sweets, jaggery, ghee/butter, kheer/pudding (semolina /wheat). Lighter/watery drinks over dry foods. Preference for cold beverages.
  • Favorite activities: Cold water for bathing is preferred. The outdoor air feels more pleasant.

Trends & Facts About People Born in February

These people are hot-tempered, condescending, and inconsistent in their behavior, but are emotional at the same time.


These people are straightforward while they speak. They do not like anyone being dishonest.


Letting them do what they please/want is advisable. Since these children are stubborn, explain to them/help them understand things with love. Or else it can adversely affect their minds.



Individuals born in this month should preferably work in Management.

Social relationships

These people speak bluntly without considering the other person’s feelings. Since they have a straightforward and conversational approach, their social interactions are often limited.

Diet (Food for Your Body Type)

  • Leafy vegetables: Amaranthus, Chenopodium (white goosefoot), Green sorrel, Spinach
  • Marrow vegetables: Snake gourd, Ladyfinger, Ridge gourd
  • Root vegetables: Sweet potato, Carrot, Beetroot, Elephant foot yam, Raw onion
  • Lentils: They should consume small quantities of green grams.
  • Fruits: Muskmelon, Watermelon, Grapes, and Pomegranate
  • Sorbets: Raw mango sorbet, Kokum sorbet, Lemonade, Coconut water, Tender coconut water
  • Meat: Should be consumed in smaller quantities and low in spice. Fish and crab are recommended.
  • Water: Only use water that is boiled and then cooled. Use water infused with vetiver (dry roots), sandalwood, rose, and camphor. Consume buttermilk one-hour post meals.
  • Alcohol: Do not consume alcohol.
  • Habits: Take an afternoon nap. Use cold or lukewarm water for bathing. Go for a stroll in the open air. At night, sleep under the moonlight.

Considering their gastric issues, it is beneficial for these individuals to consume small amounts/quantities of food. They must include bhakris, chapatis, and rice in their diet. They must consist of milk and buttermilk, among dairy products. 

Do’s and don’ts for people born in February

  • Habits: Do take an afternoon nap. Cold or warm water will also work in the bath. Go for a walk in the open air. Sleep on the terrace in the moonlight at night.
  • Exercise: Yogasana, Surya Namaskar, and Pranayama should be done.
  • Dos and donts: Protect the body from the sun's rays while going out in the hot sun. If possible, go out in the evening. Those working in agriculture should also do agricultural work in the morning and evening. Avoid drinking water immediately after coming home from the sun and immediately after meals. Also, avoid too much fasting too!

Saptadhatu Formation of People Born in February

Rasadhatu - (Rasa=Plasma)
Rasadhatu is formed in the summer month of May. The month of May is considered weak, with intense sunlight, hot and dry air, and low water content. The resulting Rasadhatu is of poor quality, hot and low in fluidity. Their skin stays warm and it is also observed that these people get tired easily.
Raktadhatu - (Rakta=Blood)
Raktdhatu is formed in June in the rainy season. This month, the surroundings are wet everywhere (due to rain). Therefore, there is moisture in the blood. Skin disorders may occur.
Mansadhatu - (Mansa=Muscle tissue)
This dhatu is formed in July and the rainy season. Due to periods of low strength and rain, the Maansdhatu also becomes weak and cold. Muscles become stiff and emaciated.
Meddhatu - (Medh=Fatty tissue)
Meddhatu is formed in the autumn month of August. Due to this period of medium strength, the Meddhatu is also formed of medium strength.
Asthidhatu - (Asthi=Bones)
Asthidhatu forms during the period of medium strength in September in autumn. Sun rays are sharp at this time. That is why the chances of suffering from rheumatism are high among these people.
Majjadhatu - (Majja=Bone Marrow)
The month of October falls in the Hemant season. Pitta Prakopa is caused due to sharp and intense sun rays in this season. These people are intelligent and disciplined due to October month’s great strength.
Shukradhatu - (Shukra= reproductive elements male sperm and female egg)
November month’s Hemanta season has a good force and sleet-rich Panchamahabhutas. Therefore, Shukradhatu becomes better. Progeny is observed to be great.

Age-wise Precautions

February-born people have borderline personalities, and they have the guna dharma of both Amla and Kshardharma. 

Age 15 to 25 years

According to Ayurveda, those aged 15-25 are prone to Pitta Prakop. To avoid Pitta prakop, Ayurveda advises against going hungry for individuals aged 15-25. Rajgira laddus and black manuka should be eaten in moderation to balance Pitta dosha. Hostel residents can maintain a healthy diet with sprouted Moog, fruits, and green salad. 

Age 26 to 35 years

To prevent Pitta prakop, individuals born in February and aged 26-35 should be aware of hormonal changes and a strong sexual appetite. Emotional support is crucial, and their life partners and bosses should be supportive. Being spiritual and expressing thoughts openly can be helpful.

Age 35 to 60 years

For people born in February between the ages of 35-60, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with Vaat prakop, or aggravated Vata dosha, caused by overexertion or stress. Mental stress and anxiety are common due to their indecisive nature. To counter these effects, it is recommended to maintain good food habits that promote a balanced Vata dosha.

Age 61+ years

For people born in February who are over 60 years old, it’s important to be mindful of the potential health risks associated with Vaat prakop, or aggravated Vata dosha. This can cause flickering thoughts and brain-related problems, including forgetfulness. To counter these effects, it’s advisable to focus on being present moment, practicing only relevant thinking, and incorporating mindfulness techniques such as meditation and spiritual practices into daily life.

A February-born personality is an interesting personality. This article aims to cover the people born in this month and all trends their health and personality show. We will continue to bring new months, new personality traits, and new Ayurvedic facts. Stay tuned!


They may also have a borderline Amla and Kshardharmi personality, which can make them less susceptible to illness. However, their perfectionist tendencies can lead to health issues such as mental fatigue, sleep inconsistency, and feeling sleepy after work.
The individuals born in February may have personality traits that are well-suited for management roles, such as being organized, disciplined, and goal-oriented.
Individuals born in February tend to possess strong leadership qualities, which make them well-suited for management positions. They are highly analytical, strategic thinkers who excel at problem-solving and decision-making. Women may suffer from Kapha, DNS, choked nose, skin diseases, and thyroid problems.
These individuals may be concerned with whether or not things happen, indicating a need for control and a desire for things to go according to plan. They may also exhibit impatience with things happening, wanting to see results quickly. They may also be strict like a teacher, possessing a strong sense of discipline and a desire for order. They may communicate straightforwardly, preferring to get straight to the point.

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