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Clear Your Skin Naturally: 15 Effective Home Remedies for Acne

Curated and medically reviewed by Dr. Atharva Dandekar , On May 10, 2023

home remedies for acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages and skin types. It can be frustrating to deal with, and the various commercial products available in the market can be expensive and often come with unwanted side effects. Fortunately, several natural home remedies can help treat and prevent acne without harsh chemicals or prescription medication. 

In this blog, we will discuss 15 effective natural home remedies for acne that you can easily incorporate into your daily skincare routine to achieve healthy skin. 

What is Acne? 

Acne is a common skin condition when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, forming pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of blemishes on the face, neck, chest, and back. It is most commonly associated with hormonal changes during puberty, but it can affect people of all ages and skin types. 

15 Effective Home Remedies for Acne 

There are many over-the-counter and prescription treatments available for acne. They can be expensive and often come with unwanted side effects. However, plenty of effective home remedies can help clear acne without breaking the bank or causing additional skin irritation. Here are 15 such home remedies you can try out for yourself: 

1. Honey 

Honey is a natural antibacterial agent that can help kill the bacteria responsible for causing acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling associated with acne. Additionally, honey is a humectant, meaning it helps retain moisture in the skin, keeping it hydrated and preventing dryness. 

You can use honey as a spot treatment by directly applying a small amount of raw honey onto individual pimples. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This can be done once or twice daily. Ensure you rinse it off thoroughly, as it is sticky and hard to remove. 

2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera is a succulent plant used for centuries as a natural remedy for various skin conditions, including acne. The gel extracted from the aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help soothe and heal acne-prone skin. It helps to hydrate and nourish your skin. It also helps fade acne scars over time. 

To use aloe vera as a remedy for acne, start by cutting off a small piece of the aloe vera leaf and extracting the gel from it. Apply the gel directly to the affected area of your skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.  

3. Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice is a natural astringent that can help to reduce oiliness and kill bacteria on the skin. The acidic properties of lemon juice can also help to exfoliate dead skin cells and promote new skin cell growth. Additionally, lemon juice contains vitamin C, which can help to brighten the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation

To use lemon juice as a DIY remedy for acne, start by washing your face with a mild cleanser and patting it dry. Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a small bowl and apply it to the affected areas using a cotton ball or pad. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. 

4. Garlic 

Garlic is a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent that can help combat acne and prevent future breakouts. It contains a compound called allicin that reduces inflammation and fights harmful bacteria. When applied topically, garlic can also help improve blood circulation and promote healthy skin cell growth. 

Crush a few fresh garlic cloves and mix with a small amount of water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. You can leave the paste on overnight, but patch test first to avoid any adverse reactions.

5. Turmeric 

Turmeric is a well-known spice in Indian cuisine that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it a popular natural remedy for treating acne. Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation, control sebum production, and fight acne-causing bacteria. 

Mix a small amount of turmeric powder with honey and apply it as a face mask. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask can be used once a week to help reduce inflammation and prevent breakouts. 

6. Green Tea   

Green tea is known for its powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Its antioxidants help reduce inflammation and redness while protecting the skin from harmful free radicals contributing to acne breakouts. In addition, green tea contains catechins, which have antibacterial properties that can help kill acne-causing bacteria.

Start by brewing a cup of green tea and letting it cool down. Then, dip a clean cotton ball into the tea and apply it to your face, focusing on the areas prone to acne. You can also use green tea as a toner by mixing it with a few drops of tea tree oil, which has antibacterial properties, and applying it to your face with a cotton pad.

7. Oatmeal 

Oatmeal is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. It also helps absorb excess oil and unclog pores, preventing breakouts. In addition, it contains saponins, which are natural cleansers that can help remove dirt and impurities from the skin.

Start by grinding a handful of plain, uncooked oats into a fine powder. Mix the oatmeal powder with enough water to create a paste. Apply the paste to your face, focusing on areas prone to breakouts. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. 

8. Neem 

Neem, also known as Indian lilac, is a medicinal plant used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various skin conditions, including acne. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce acne’s appearance and prevent future breakouts. 

Mix one tablespoon of neem powder with enough water to make a paste to make a neem face mask. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. You can use this mask once a week to help prevent and treat acne. 

9. Cucumber 

Cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin and is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps to reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne. It is rich in silica, which boosts collagen production and improves skin elasticity.

Start by washing your face with a gentle cleanser and patting it dry. Next, cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices and place them over the affected areas of your skin. Leave the cucumber slices on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. You can also grind the cucumber into a paste and follow the same process. 

10. Papaya 

Papaya is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and enzymes that help to soothe inflammation and reduce acne scars. Papaya also has a natural exfoliating effect, which helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. 

To use papaya for acne, mash up some ripe papaya in a bowl and apply it to your face. Leave the papaya on your skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water. You can also add a teaspoon of honey or lemon juice to the papaya mixture for added benefits. 

11. Jojoba Oil 

Jojoba oil is a lightweight and non-greasy oil that closely resembles human sebum, which our skin naturally produces. As a result, it is easily absorbed into the skin and helps regulate our skin’s oil production. Jojoba oil is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins E and B complex, and minerals like zinc and copper, essential for healthy skin. 

Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser and pat it dry with a towel. Take a few drops of jojoba oil and apply it to your face. Massage the oil in circular motions for 2-3 minutes. Let the oil sit on your skin for another 5-10 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it an effective remedy for acne. Additionally, it helps to balance the skin’s pH levels and reduce inflammation. 

To use apple cider vinegar as a remedy for acne, mix equal parts with water and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water. This can be done once or twice daily, depending on the severity of the acne.

13. Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Its powerful antimicrobial properties help kill the bacteria that cause acne while reducing redness and inflammation. Tea tree oil also helps regulate oil production and unclog pores, making it an excellent choice for those with oily or combination skin. 

Mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil, and apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab or ball. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with water. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your face wash or moisturiser for added benefits. 

14. Baking Soda 

Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria that cause acne. Additionally, it acts as an exfoliant, helping to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells, which can contribute to acne breakouts.

Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area, gently massaging it with circular motions. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Baking soda can be drying, so it’s important to moisturise afterwards. 

15. Rose Water 

Rose water can help balance the skin’s pH, which can help reduce acne’s appearance. It also has a cooling effect on the skin, which can help reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne. In addition, rose water can help hydrate and soothe the skin. 

Mix rose water with aloe vera gel to create a soothing, hydrating acne treatment. Simply mix equal parts of rose water and aloe vera gel in a small bowl, and apply the mixture to your face using a cotton ball or your fingers. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with cool water. 


Acne can be a frustrating and complex skin condition. Still, many effective home remedies can help alleviate symptoms and prevent breakouts. However, it is essential to remember that everyone’s skin is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. 

It’s recommended to do a patch test before trying any new remedy and to consult with a dermatologist if you have severe or persistent acne. You can achieve precise and healthy-looking skin with patience, consistency, and natural ingredients.


1. Can home remedies for acne really be effective in clearing my skin naturally, or do I need to rely on commercial acne products for the best results?

Yes, home remedies for acne can effectively clear your skin naturally. While commercial acne products can also be effective, home remedies can often be gentler on the skin and less expensive. It’s important to find the correct remedy for your specific skin type and condition and to be consistent in your use to achieve the best results.

2. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with using home remedies for acne, and how can I ensure that I use them safely?

Yes, some home remedies for acne may have potential side effects or associated risks. Additionally, some people may be allergic to certain ingredients used in these remedies. For example, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can cause skin irritation or chemical burns if used in high concentrations or on sensitive skin. 

To ensure safe use, it is important to patch-test any new ingredient before using it on your entire face and to use the remedies in moderation, following instructions carefully. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

3. How long does it usually take to see results from using home remedies for acne, and what can I do to maximise their effectiveness?

Results from using home remedies for acne can vary depending on the severity of the acne and the individual’s skin type. Some people may see results within a few days, while others may take several weeks or months. It is important to be consistent with their use and maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper skincare routine to maximise the effectiveness of home remedies.

4. Can I combine different home remedies for acne, or do I need to stick to one remedy at a time for the best results? 

Yes, you can combine different home remedies for acne to enhance their effectiveness. However, it is recommended to patch-test the mixture on a small area of skin before applying it all over your face and to use each remedy in moderation to avoid irritating or overdrying your skin. It is also important to consult with a dermatologist if you have persistent or severe acne.

5. Are there any lifestyle or dietary changes that I should make in conjunction with using home remedies for acne to further improve my skin health and prevent future breakouts? 

Yes, there are lifestyle and dietary changes that you can make to improve your skin health and prevent future breakouts. These include drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy and balanced diet, reducing stress, avoiding touching your face, regularly washing your face and using non-comedogenic skincare products.

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May 10, 2023
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    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade
    BAMS | 18 years
    Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade is a BAMS graduate with a specialization in Ayurvedic medicine. With a deep interest in Ayurveda, he joined Vaidya Suyog Dandekar and Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort in March 2010, where he has been working for over a decade. During his time at the health resort, he studied Panchabhautik Chikitsa, a unique branch of Ayurvedic medicine that focuses on treating imbalances in the five elements of the body. Under the guidance of Vaidya Suyog Dandekar, he worked on developing a plan for the reversal of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and Thyroid, intending to help people live drugless life. Dr. Sandeep Vhanawade's experience in Ayurvedic medicine spans over 18 years, making him a seasoned practitioner. Currently, he serves as a medical officer at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort, where he continues to help patients achieve optimal health through the principles and practices of Ayurveda.
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